Project SC

Strange creature

September 27, 2023


A project called Strange Creature was inspired by a child's fascination with distant planets and a deep desire to create something distinctive and original that would try to advance the medium's ethos.

The Film

A remarkable team, including director and creator Sophia River, co-production studio Medusa Studios, and composers Robert & Symon worked diligently for months to produce the Strange Creature premiere trailer. We went out to offer a sneak peek into Strange Creatur wider world and an intensive look into its tale of bloodshed and murder seen through the prism of myth and imaginative thinking.

The Paintings

Each scenario in the Strange Creature Trailer started as ideas in my head that I later developed over several months into a collection of 128 story paintings. Each work of art tells the tale of Strange Creature's beginnings by depicting a still from the movie.

Behind The creative Scenes


Strange Creature Created & Directed by - Sophia Robert

A co-production SR creative inc. - SR Studios

Producer – April Davidson
Production Coordinator – Bobby McNutt
Executive Producer – Jeremy Blakeney
Executive Producer - Jean Hale

Art Direction & Design by - Sophia Robert

CG Supervisor – Jeremy Blakeney

Look Development Supervisor – Bobby McNutt

Environment Artists
Sophia Robert
Bobby McNutt

Character assets - Sophia Robert

Character Riggers
Jeremy Blakeney
April Davidson

Antonio Huard
Frances Jackson
Craig Beall

FX Artists
Antonio Huard
Frances Jackson
Craig Beall

Look Development Artists
Antonio Huard
Frances Jackson
Craig Beall

Title Animation
Sophia Robert

Pipeline Supervisor
Antonio Huard

Picture Post & Grade - Sophia Robert
Sponsored by - SR Studio

Special Thanks

A heartfelt thank you to each and every person on our team as well as to our friends and family for helping to make this work a reality.